Hi everyone, I’m excited to introduce Steven Byler for July’s Made to Create interview. Steven attends our church and is a frequent guest at our house. He’s talented in many areas, but today we’re going to talk about his building skills. He has an eye for crafting unique and beautiful furniture, including the famous swinging beds. 🙂 Check out his work on Instagram at stevens_projects.
Sheri Yutzy: Hi Steve, welcome to Made to Create! First question: What’s your favorite project you’ve ever built?

Steven Byler: Hi Sheri! Thanks for giving me this opportunity! I would definitely say the swinging bed. I got the idea from an Art and Craft store in Ohio. They had an outdoor bed hanging from a large frame. I told myself, “I’m going to build one of those!” So I started planning and measuring. It took me nearly a week of evenings to complete the first bed. I used material that I had found in my grandfather’s barn. Rusty metal, weathered barn wood, and an old, wooden window were all materials that made up the bed. I wired speakers and LED lights into it for a bit of a modern touch.
SY: Very cool. What’s the most fulfilling part of building things?
SB: Occasionally I have a burst of ideas. The most fulfilling part is if those random ideas come together and I can actually use them while I’m building something. Once I needed to build a shelf for my mirror to set on. I remember lying awake one night trying to come up with ideas for this shelf. The next evening, I used the good ideas, scrapped the bad ones, and built a shelf in 5 minutes.

SY: It’s amazing what inspiration can do. Do you have a dream project?
SB: I would like to build a house with each room designed and decorated from a different era in history. Imagine the excitement, going from one room to another wondering which era you’ll be stepping into?
SY: What a fantastic idea! If you do it I’ll come see it. What has your craft taught you about who God is?
SB: When I complete a project, I think I experience a small portion of the joy that God felt when He created the world. It’s one of the ways I can glorify Him just by doing what I enjoy.
SY: I think you’re right. He designed us to make things and enjoy it. I feel the same way when I’m writing a story. How do you see yourself using your building skills in ten years?

SB: Excellent question Sheri! I have no idea. I would love to build custom beds, swinging or standing.
SY: Sounds like a worthy goal. A comfortable bed is very important. 🙂 Thanks again for being here! And thank you, readers, for stopping by.
Have you had any crazy ideas that turned into something useful or beautiful or both? We’d love to hear it! Tell us about it in the comments.

I really enjoyed reading this! It made my day! Those bed’s are absolutely amazing and I really love this quote of his, “I think I experience a small portion of the joy that God felt when He created the world.” It’s so true! And Steven, If you ever build that house with each room being from a different era, I will be visiting that house whenever the opportunity arises!!!
Thanks for reading, Richard! I love that quote too.
What a talented and handsome young man! 🙂 Let’s see, Steven, our 40th anniversary is right around the corner… but I would probably get dizzy in a swinging bed!! I did enjoy this interview, and am blessed by your desire to use your talents to glorify God. Blessings, cousin!!!
Thanks for reading, Betty! I’ll tell Steven to read this. 🙂
Enjoyed reading the interview! Those beds are really neat! I’ve been eyeing a smaller version of one to hang outside instead of a porch swing or from a tree. Its in the shape of a daybed w/ a twin mattress, and small railing on 3 sides… I think it would be a perfect spot to read in the breeze, or sleep under the stars, or just to stargaze!
That sounds like a great idea, Lori. 🙂 Perfect for a summer afternoon.