🥀🥀🥀 Her lips tightened with disgust. “I bring blood. Carnage. I am the essence of rage.” She spun toward the battlefield, scarlet skirts snapping to follow. “You’re forgetting.” The girl in gold tilted her head. “What do you know? Everything gleams that comes from you.” The girl smiled, her hair catching the sun. “We have […]
R E S T – #flashfictionmagic
R E S T/ R E S T L E S S // 🍁🍁🍁 Tension had leaked down into her left shoulder, a hurricane of pain radiating down her arm, all the way to her hip until she felt like Jacob after a chill and damp wrestle. Had she wrestled her thoughts, her attempts at […]
AN UNOPENED LETTER-#flashfictionmagic
“Miss Grant?” The blue suited man ducked into the office. Sydney scraped off her goggles, knocking over a row of beakers. White vapor plumed. She lunged for the bucket of water in the corner and doused the spill. The man tiptoed back as streams raced for his shoes. Sydney sighed. “Need something, sir?” “Was this […]
F O U N D – #flashfictionmagic
“Orland found her in the Outback Rocks.” The words always burrowed under Annie’s skin like poisoned roots. Tanner Village spread below her, a handful of humped houses and a blacksmith’s forge. What origin could they boast? Her thoughts sank the closer she came. Her produce basket cut into her elbow. If she and Orland could […]
Winter Horse #winterwordsflashfiction
Another thud shook the roof. Lillian jumped and spilled scalding tea on her knee. “If that horse does not settle down in one minute—” Mam popped her pricked finger into her mouth, clutching Lillian’s torn shirt with the other. “It’s a winter horse, Mam. It doesn’t know how to stand still.” “Tell me again why […]