THE CLOUDS – #flashfictionmagic
They fell in the softest caress, a long muffled hiss, rising again like amorphous balls before settling in a wreath around her house.
They crowded her windows, seeping inside with cold white fingers.
She woke in the middle of this and thought all the rain in the world was falling at once.
When she stumbled into her slippers and thrashed her shawl around her shoulders and damped her way to the door, vast white awaited.
Her cottage from the forest was floating in cloud.
She sighed and hugged her thick green shawl closer.
That trickster of a wood elf must have unhooked her cottage’s weights while she was sleeping.
“Confound you, Raziel,” she muttered.
She spread her mossy shawl out, then snapped her fingers on both hands until it transformed into wings. Leaping out into the wind currents, she began the long flight down to find more enchanted stones to use as weights.
#flashfictionfriday #fantasyflashfiction #freestory #fantasystoryprompt #sheriyutzy #sheriyutzyauthor